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The Hidden Cost of Festive Cheer: Party Now, Glow Later!

Ah, December. The month of glittery outfits, bottomless prosecco, and enough mince pies to sink a sleigh. The festive season is all about joy, indulgence, and good company – but have you ever wondered what all those late nights and bubbly toasts are doing to your skin and wellbeing? Spoiler alert: it’s not all as […]

Tonic’s Top Tips for Beauty Self-Care on Holiday

Going on holiday is an exciting opportunity to unwind, explore new places, and make cherished memories. But amid all the fun, it’s easy to let your beauty and skincare routine fall by the wayside. To help you stay radiant and refreshed while travelling, we’ve compiled our top five self-care tips for maintaining your beauty regimen […]

Skincare Through the Decades: A Journey Through Life

Our skin changes as we age.

At Tonic Day Spa, we believe that skincare is a lifelong journey, evolving with each decade of our lives. From the late teens, when the first post-puberty skincare routines are established, to the golden years beyond sixty, each phase of life brings unique challenges and opportunities for maintaining healthy, radiant skin. In this blog post, […]

Stressed Out Skin: How Stress Takes a Toll and What You Can Do About It

April is Stress Awareness Month, and while we often think about the mental and emotional effects of stress, it has a significant impact on our physical health too. One of the first places you might notice the effects of stress. Your skin. Stress triggers a cascade of hormonal changes in the body, primarily through the […]

The Ultimate Guide to Hydrating Your Way to Healthy Skin

It’s no secret that healthy skin is the cornerstone of a successful skincare routine. Keeping your skin hydrated is essential to maintain a healthy complexion and prevent a range of skin conditions. That’s why we’ve put together this ultimate guide to hydrating your way to healthy skin. In this article, you’ll learn the importance of […]

Bad Skin? A Chemical Peel Could Be Your Salvation

Not everybody is blessed with perfect skin.  Imperfections such as acne, blemishes, scars, fine lines, wrinkles and sun damage can have a massive effect on a persons’ confidence, to the extent where their everyday life can become a daily struggle. There are numerous treatments available with claims of repairing or improving skin damage, one of […]

10 Minutes A Day To Better Skin

Adding 10 minutes to your morning routine may seem challenging. However, if your goal is to remodel your body and get in shape before bikini season, those extra minutes might be worth it. But what is it? Dry brushing is the simple and quick step of massaging your body with a ‘dry’ brush before applying your body […]