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We are now in the “Late Summer” season, which can also be regarded as the harvest season.  Many are confused as this is the “fifth” season, where we commonly only use four. As classical five element acupuncture is based on nature, the associated season for the Earth element falls in the harvesting season. Visiting the countryside will soon show the ripe fields of arable crops.

All of us have an element that is our strength and our weakness. This means that during the change of season into the one associated with this element is the critical time for the person.

As an example, as we are entering the season associated with the Earth element, people whose Causative Element is Earth will most need a treatment.

However non-­Earth types can also have symptoms get worse. This is because nature’s seasonal changes affects all living things on this planet. This is especially true if their own Causative element is out of balance.

So it benefits all to have an adjusting treatment at the transition of seasons.

Note ­ the Earth element affects stomach, spleen, muscles, sleep, thinking, energy, hormones and other physiological factors. So all ailments associated with these factors can get aggravated during this seasonal changeover.


Why not book an appointment with me at Tonic Day Spa.  During the months of August I am offering a discount for anyone who mentions the blog when booking.

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