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Did you do it again this year? Resolve to lose weight, move more, give up smoking, stop eating sugar blah blah blah ….? It’s a well-documented fact that by the beginning of February, almost 80% of our New Year’s Resolutions have fallen by the wayside. Failed. Again.

It’s time to forget the pressure of sticking to a resolution and look at how to turn a resolution into a habit. Trust us, it’s not as daunting as it may sound – although you will need to incorporate some behavioural tweaks first. So, let’s take a look at five simple ways to build new, healthier habits into your life that go beyond the middle of January.


Work on Your Mindset

The best thing that you can do is to make yourself remain positive. You can achieve more positivity by changing your views about different things. Start accepting things the way they are and let yourself go with the flow. This will help you to achieve your goals whilst maintaining a positive attitude.

A positive mindset can make you stronger. And when there’s something that you find hard to get over or think like you have messed up along the way, a positive mind will make you think on the bright side and focus on the things that you have already achieved along the way.

Accept That a New Behaviour or Habit Won’t Happen Overnight

Things always take time so why stress over the idea that you are never going to make it? Instead, keep going forward in a more positive way.

It takes time for your brain to catch up with new behaviour no matter how dedicated you are. It can take two to nine months for something to become a habit. Think of it as a journey rather than a destination and don’t get down-hearted.

Always Start with Small Steps

Nobody likes overwhelm. Start with simple things. For example, if you want to eat healthier, don’t cut out all the ‘naughty’ foods in one go. Instead, start slowly by reducing the baddies one at a time until you’re ready to cope with the next hurdle.

Track Your Progress

Keep track of the actions you’re taking and the progress you’re accomplishing on a regular basis. It’s also important to track your moods – the ups and the downs, so you can start to recognize the things that make you feel great and the triggers that knock you back.

Accountability Rocks!

Surrounding yourself with cheerleaders can be a big tick in the box to helping us achieve our goals. Consider telling a family member or friend about what you’re trying to achieve and ask for their encouragement. Try to avoid mood hoovers at all costs! Their negativity could easily derail you.

As you progress closer to your goal, take time out to reward yourself. We’ve got a regular client who stopped biting her nails after 45 years of being a chewer. She comes in every fortnight for a manicure as a reminder of what she’s achieved.

We also see clients throughout their weight-loss journey who come in for a massage or facial when they reach a milestone weight. And yes, it really keeps them motivated knowing that there’s something nice to work towards.

Above all else, don’t give up! You will soon discover what works best for you. – and don’t forget to reward yourself for your hard work.


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